Ok, ok, I typed, lol.
Ok, I got a note saying, "this (post) hasnt changed in a while", sorry,
I dont know what to write about, I have this problem alot, LOL, I can say that church is wonderful, the people at my church are the best,

love my children, miss my Mom, shes still in Washington with my nephew Quintin, my Dad and Kris will be going to see my other nephew (Gino) on Sunday, hes out here with his father, umm, i just took pictures of the Cookie (the kitten) shes goofy, she has a paper wrapper from some tights and it got stuck to her face, LOL, she took it out of my girls room, normally she grabs socks out of the bathroom laundry and carries the around and plays with them, too funny, now shes on my shoulder like a parrot, LOL,
Autum, Cookie, Chico,
ok, well, what else can I type about ?, I have a facebook now, I like it, its easier that other sites, you dont have to dress it up, cool, oh!, happy happy joy joy... Joann got save Sunday night, then last night she told me on the way to church (she came back again... yippee) that she didnt know that they (someone from church) was going to bring a pie to her home, LOL, then she said that her parents were so happy that she got saved, and then I told her maybe we can see if I can bring them to church too some time, then Jojo said, her Dad said he might want to come on a Wednesday night, I told her that would be great, awsome!!!, LOL, I'm just so happy for her, well, i'm working right now, so I'll get a goin', HUGS and untill I type again, lol. bye.
That would be awesome if Joann's dad came, once he comes to the most wonderful church on the planet he might just get hooked and keep coming. It's nice to hear your pets are keeping you entertained. Keep up the good work, love ya.
It is so nice to hear from you. It is very rewarding when people get saved and want to bring others to Christ. You are a good exsample of a Christian testimony. Have a great week.
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