Kinda Back
Well I'm kinda back, LOL, a certain someone keeps asking me to BLOG, UPDATE, BLOG, UPDATE,
and then I think of the things to put on here and then what to say, brain starts to fly ...
then it starts to hurt, LOL, joking - hurt, LOL, then I go find something else to do, ( I know, that's BAD)
but I will try to do some, I normally don't do things when the kids are off of school,
its like when I read my Bible, I cant read when there is other noises going on around me,
or like when I have to do the payroll for my father-in-law, he asks my Hubby to ask me to help,
that always works, hehehe, well back to the story...
I don't have the radio on or the TV on while in working ,
I need to concentrate on the matter at hand, this is kinda like that,
so maybe I can do picture up dates, couldn't b4 cause my camera was at the Kodak camera hospital,
LOL, then went back for another week a few weeks back, trying to get back into picture mode, hehehe,

now until next time,
kids are running around and the brain follows, LOL.
It's about time!!!
Glad you are back... "kinda" :)
Glad you and your camera are back!
Welcome Welcome Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!
No pressure on my part(lol)I hope. but anyway glad your back, and as you can see- we all miss you.
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