At physical therapy...
While my husband was in physical therapy today, I was sitting in the lobby area reading my Bible( Like pastor said to do and see what may happen), and marking down page numbers for up coming verses to read out of my daily reading book, People walked by and nothing, no one said anything , just kept walking by, then one of the ladies that work at the front desk had went to the ladies room and came back and then she stopped by me and said," That's a great book to read", I replied by saying with a big smile, " I agree", then she went on to see if I went to a church and told her I did and told her my girls and I even joined the choir and she was happy the we are established in the church, I can say," I am too".

You are a sweet witness for the Lord. That is a convicting exsample to me. Keep up the good work sister.
It's good to see you growing in Christ. Keep up the good work.
You are a great lady and I'm so glad that God brought you and your sweet family to our church.
I am so glad that you are in our church! You have the happiest spirit and I love to be around you! I am also so glad that you are in choir. We have such a good time in there, don't we?!!!
That is sweet Karen. I'm glad your family is in our church!
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